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The Book cover Front & Back


Below are a series of Endnotes which were written at the time of composing the book. In part they formed a therapy following the diagnosis of cancer affecting my left kidney, March 2021, and of secondaries in my liver, June 2022. A task that I really enjoyed and provided something creative at a time of great bleakness.

The original intention was that we would eventually create and publish an electronic version of the book. It is possible to link each endnote to the text of our adventure so that the interested reader would be able to explore details that would not upset the flow of the text. However in discussion with Dan Bernard, the Publisher of Tricorn Books ( we decided that it would not be financially viable to include these as part of the printed version of our book.

As a great deal of work has gone into their preparation and they offer an interesting opportunity to share the research whilst proving my self diagnosis of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), they also allow the opportunity to show how amazing are the possibilities of electronic publishing.

Where practical I have included the link to the  Wikipedia entry, the link to a relevant YouTube video or a website.

Above all we very much hope that you enjoy this experiment, which can,  perhaps be enjoyed as a Good Read on its own? We’d be particularly pleased to hear your thoughts, alternative references.

Please feel free to contact us at



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Website by Philip Haste

Moorlands Industrial Estate,
Forge Lane, Saltash PL12 6LX England


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